Welcome to frankcooksfood

You gotta eat everyday, might as well eat well!

It's about the recipes!

You don't want to read a long story about heirloom ingredients, someplace you're not going to visit, or an argument about where a dish comes from. You want ingredients and instructions. That's what you get!

- If you do want stories please check out my blog

Frank PFed Picture

Dad, Web Developer, Musician

I'm not a chef!

I haven't been to culinary school. I don't have a lot of fancy equipment. I don't do photo shoots or lighting (everything is from my iPhone). I'm usually short on time. Any of that sound familiar? However,  I love to eat (gotta do it every day). I watch a lot of cooking shows. I read a lot of cookbooks, and I love to cook. This is a collection of recipes I've made for family and friends over the years. It's a mixed bag of cuisines. I hope you find something that appeals to you and yours!